Sneak Peek@Burning Bär 2016: The Castle

The journey is loading – be patient… it’s worth the wait!

Functionality: If there is text to an image, hover it with the mouse (becomes black) to stop the slideshow. Pictures are of different size for total immersion… won’t have the impact if they are all same size. Yes, usability sucks here, but you will like the story.

Now enjoy the trip! We the Berlin Burners had a look at Schloß Beesenstedt in advance to our Burning Bär 2016 event.
(for those who don’t know: Burning Bär is Berlin’s Burning Man-inspired festival. It will take place from the 26th till the 28th of February 2016. Here is the article about the festival that now already happend. )


  1. monika dietl 16. February 2016
    • HARTOJO 16. February 2016

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