Welcome back, itsoundsfuture radio #017 w/ Offroad, sending straight out of the jungle of wambutu land.
No, just kidding we are still sitting in our studio in cold and nasty Berlin, but when I hear this tropical sounds and exotic rhythms from this second editon of our South Africa special,
I truly get deep into wanderlust.
Well Afrika, we will see us soon, heading for the Afrikaburn in about a month, and the clan will burn in 48 days. So I am pretty excited, as every year, and finally, I am about to finish the Afrikaburn movie, which I wanted to finish like in every of the last 6 monts, but now I am finally there … as the law of Parkison predicts: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
But before, you can catch me tomorrow on Sunday at our Sonntagsunfug playing along Paul Ursin, Boy next Door and Vonda7, b2b with Dominik Vaillant.
Our special guest tonight is Offroad from Johannesburg, and he really takes and lulls you into this musical journey, so sit back, relax and listen to this story.
Living for the love of music, OffRoad really found its soul and beats on the powerful playa of Afrikaburn. Always looking for the thrilling sensation of communing with the crowd, he takes you on a tripping journey with his deep shamanic house. Onboard the OffRoad experience.
Tracklist ISF Radio Podcast #017 w/ Offroad:
01. Nillo – Spirit Along Ol Bubu
02. Funka Y Nochi – Late
03. MiRET – Celeste (MiRET Edit)
04. Elfenberg – El Jaguar Perdido
05. Saroo – Harmonie
06. Harri Agnel – Aori
07. LOKALAFFAIR – Stellamara Zablejalo
08. Lena Chamamyan – Love in Damascus
09. TÂCHES – Unrequited Love Affair
10. Be Svendsen – Getula
11. Meg – Dünya
12. Offroad – Palani
13. Be Svendsen – Nabia
14. Dolly Parton – Jolene (Todd Terje Remix)
15. Bonus. Catia de Franca – Sustenta a Pisada (Corazon Edit)
You can follow Offroad here:
▶ www.facebook.com/offroadofficial/
▶ www.instagram.com/offroad_music/
▶ @offroad-music
previous show: DJ Snake