During the hot Berlin summer nights we encountered André Bergelt, who you can also find at Arena Club. He told me about his book “Affentanz” – a Berlin nightlife tale about a uprising but struggeling electronic musician? Of course we had to look into that!
Proudly presenting our first book review on itsoundsfuture … enjoy folks.
André Bergelt – Affentanz (Mitteldeutscher Verlag)
Author: André Bergelt
Title: Affentanz
Publisher: Mitteldeutscher Verlag
ISBN#: 978-3-95462-487-4
Format: Paperback, 304 pages
Press Info (German only):
„Wieso kann ich mich nicht an letzte Nacht erinnern?!“ Diese und andere existenzielle Fragen stellt sich der chronisch verpeilte Held regelmäßig im Anschluss an seine Ausflüge in den Club Zoo. Auch seine Freunde haben sich dem Feiern verschrieben – aber unser Held will mehr, er will im Zoo auflegen. Als er bei einem seiner Jobs, in diesem Fall als Wurstverkäufer, einem Mütterchen Gutes tut, revanchiert sich die Alte und schenkt ihm ein Amulett: Das Glück scheint ihm plötzlich gewogen. Doch alles Glück hat seinen Preis …
Tragikomischer Berlin-Roman voller Witz, Absurdität und kurioser Gestalten.
When you moved to Berlin, being an artist or to outlive your creative powers, it will be easy to identify yourself with the protagonist of the story. We have all been there: excessive parties and all the good (and bad) times with your friends which lures you off your creative path and future …
So how will the hero handle all this?
It is entertaining and fun to read, each chapter almost like a short story. It is also fascinating for me coming from West Germany to read about the system, the education and view of people coming from the east. You will find a lot of anecdotes in this book. I think, this is also one of the reasons why Berlin still is one of the most interesting cities in the world – two world wars, east meets west, the wall, finally coming together … the spirit is still here, gentrification runs at a low speed because of this resistance in the minds of the people. This is a good thing, a great thing and it is the one thing why Berlin is Berlin. You will find a cast of these characters in the book: creative, crazy, scarred for life but never capitulating to it, holding the head high against the tide of impressions and influences the city endlessly creates.
Buy book: Paperback
Excerpt Of A Reading: