Finally. AB17 – Play. The AfrikaBurn 2017 movie. As the law of Parkinson predicts, work extends to the existing time, I just got everything ready (which I wanted to finish in like every month since last June).
It’s an interactive movie where I asked interested burners to act with, the only frame I set was the start and the mission the movie, and they decided how to act on, like in a treasure hunt.
I sent out a pre-release to all actors from which I had the contact to watch it in advance and blurred the people of the AfrikaBurn tribe as best as I could do. Except for one person: the gorgeous woman on a bike who came riding into the scene at 14:00 – she fits just magically into the setting plus scene and translates universally my feelings and emotions of the burn, because her face just speaks volumes. I could not think of anything better than this, I simply had to keep this.
Since I have no contact from her, I first shared the movie only in the AfrikaBurn + AfrikaBurn 2018 group with a secret YouTube link, that hopefully someone will point me to this person or she recognise herself and say if it’s okay for her or not.
That still did not happen. Now after two weeks and the feedback I got so far I feel encouraged enough to make it public.
So please gorgeous woman on bike, give me a shout and tell me how you feel about this.
Having said this, let’s dive into it …