Berlin, 27. July 2017 – More modular synthesizer news for the summer!
Summary of content: First Workshop Video of SUPERBOOTH17 online later this week. Gammon plans modular synthesizer ensemble workshop at DEFINE Festival. SchneidersLaden will be present at Krake and Atonal festivals in Berlin.
SUPERBOOTH17 Workshop Videos
1. More regularly unregular video releases of Workshops and Performances from SUPERBOOTH17, SchneidersLaden and SchneidersBuero. Herr Schneider invited Gammon to his new video studio in Berlin Kreuzberg, where they talked about the ideas behind the workshops Gammon held during SUPERBOOTH17.
These workshops were specifically designed for school children. The participants were students from schools in Berlin Mitte and Neukölln. With 10 individually configured modular synthesizers the group was able to create different musical voices to interact and complement each other in a unique composition that can be heard in one of the following videos. Besides some technical aspects of the machines the children were working with, there was a focus on parallels to physical sounding objects. These sounds are part of the wide range of sonic opportunities that can be found on modular synthesizers.
2. In November Gammon plans to do a 3-day workshop at DEFINE Festival in Sønderborg, Denmark. The concept for this workshop is to create a Modular Synthesizer Ensemble with the participants and to be able to play a concert on the last day of the festival.
3. Tomorrow SchneiderLaden, Doepfer and other manufacturers of modular synthesizers will be present at the Label Boutique Market of KRAKE Festival in Berlin. The festival invited lots of independent music labels to spend the day together at the Label Boutique in order to create a familiar space for Berlins vibrant electronic music scene. So if you are curious about this gathering or the special path of creating electronic music with modulars make sure to say hello.
4. In August the Atonal Festival will happen in Berlin. The venue will be the outstanding Kraftwerk again, with its impressive size and appearance. One of the most remarkable rooms of the building is the former control center. SchneidersLaden will be there with some modular synthesizers – a perfect combination to the complexity that has been controlled from this room during the past.
Chronological Summary:
28. July
Label Boutique Market – KRAKE Festival, Berlin: SchneidersLaden, Doepfer and others
29. July
Release of the first SUPERBOTH17 Workshop Video: Modular Synthesizer Ensemble with school children, by Gammon (You can find the video at
16. – 20. August
Berlin Atonal: SchneidersLaden will be present in the control room with an installation of some nice modular synthesizers
10. – 12. November
DEFINE Festival, Sønderborg, Denmark: Modular Synthesizer Ensemble, by Gammon
Make sure to check out the new Event Calendar at for the latest updates on modular